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Tag: AfD

AfD is growing strongly, the left a bit (nd-aktuell.de)

Die Linke profited from the SPD crisis, but the AfD even more.
Die Linke profited from the SPD crisis, but the AfD even more. Photo: dpa/Fabian Sommer »An increase of two percent for Die Linke is far from...

Raid on the AfD party headquarters | Currently Germany |...

Symbolic image for the raid on the AfD party headquarters/Jörg Meuthen and Alice Weidel
The party headquarters of the AfD in Berlin has been searched - numerous police officers were involved. The Berlin public prosecutor said that...

Raid on the AfD party headquarters | Currently Germany |...

Symbolic image for the raid on the AfD party headquarters/Jörg Meuthen and Alice Weidel
The party headquarters of the AfD in Berlin has been searched - numerous police officers were involved. The Berlin public prosecutor said that...