In France, for the year 2018, the estimated number of new cases of lung adenocarcinoma was 24,791, including 15,293 in men and 9,498 in women. Note: The standardized 5-year net survival is more favorable in women than in men (27% versus 20%) for cancers diagnosed between 2010 and 2015; 11 percentage point improvement in 5-year standardized net survival between 1990 and 2015; Improvement in 1-year net survival between 1990 and 2015 at all ages, but more significantly for people aged 70 and over (1-year survival of 70-year-olds reaches that of the youngest at the end of the period), ; Net survival gains maintained 5 years after diagnosis at all ages, except in people aged 80 for whom these benefits are attenuated; Improvement in 10-year net survival between 1990 and 2010 regardless of age.
Author : Delafosse Patricia, Defossez Gautier, Molinié Florence, D’Almeida Tania, Lecoffre Camille, Lafay Lionel, Mounier Morgane, Coureau Gaëlle, Trétarre Brigitte
Year of publication: 2021
Pages: 12p.
Collection : Studies and surveys