Mumbai Sharadiya Navratri dedicated to Maa Durga has started. This year Sharadiya Navratri will be from 26 September to 04 October. Nine forms of Maa Durga are worshiped during Navratri. During Navratri, Adishakti is pleased with her devotees and blesses them. In this, there is never a shortage of food and money in the house of those who worship the goddess. This year Sharadiya Navratri is considered very auspicious for the people of five zodiac signs. Let us know which are the 5 lucky zodiac signs.
TaurusThis Navratri will be very auspicious for the people of Taurus. There is a possibility of financial gains in your zodiac. There will be some tension, but working conditions will improve continuously. With the grace of Maa Durga, your career problems will be overcome. New job opportunities can also be found. Family disputes will be avoided.
daughter– The stalled work of Virgo will be completed in Navratri. Money position will be good. Expenses will be under control. Property gains are also good sums. Reputation will increase. Diseases and accidents will also stay away.
Scorpio– The people of Scorpio zodiac are likely to get success on the career front in Shardiya Navratri. There will be profit in job, business. Family support will bring wealth. You will be busy with property work, but you are likely to get the expected benefits. Love relationship and married life will also be happy. (Sharadiya Navratri 2022 will be lucky for these 5 zodiac signs)
CapricornThe days of Capricorn will change as soon as Sharadiya Navratri begins. Problems coming in career and family life will be overcome. Financial condition will also be good. Bank balance will increase.
AquariusOn the arrival of Sharadiya Navratri, the people of Aquarius will get relief from stress. Family situation will improve. You will be a little busy in education, job and business, but you will get expected results and benefits. There will be benefits related to money and property.
(Special notice: The information provided here is based on general information. Zee 24 Hours does not make any guarantees. Our purpose is only to inform you.)