Rent smartphones instead of buying them: o2 Business Flex Device gives companies more flexibility

Rent smartphones instead of buying them: o2 Business Flex Device gives companies more flexibility

Companies benefit from the hardware offer O2 Business Flex Device of several advantages: By renting the devices, you gain economic benefits free space. In addition, they are more flexible due to the All-round and exchange service – and with one very good value for money.

Rental and leasing offers for vehicles or office furniture are widespread among German companies. For devices for mobile communication rent but so far only three percent of the companies their smartphones or tablets instead of buying them. This has a survey by O2 Telefónica surrender. However, 82 percent of the companies can well imagine doing so in the future lucrative rental models switch to mobile devices.3 Of the significant advantage is obvious: When renting or leasing, no capital is tied up by an investment. Instead, companies create themselves business freedom – especially since it is often very cost-intensive and time-consuming for companies to always provide their employees with the latest devices due to the shortened lifecycles of the end devices.