Reforms: why Macron prefers retirement to climate

Cécile Cornudet

Posted Sep 27, 2022, 6:34 PMUpdated on Sep 27, 2022 at 7:43 PM

This August 24 of political return, the historical macronists push a “phew” of relief. Emmanuel Macron evokes the “end of abundance”, it is the expected moment, they want to believe, the one where finally the president chooses to make the climate the central axis of his five-year term. The debate had already agitated the teams during the presidential campaign, but this time it is confirmed, the summer of drought and fires has been there. Opinion is ripe. The president too?

A week later, they are disillusioned. Emmanuel Macron reinterprets in a government seminar another music heard a thousand times: pensions must be reformed and quickly. So what happened? The president seeks to ward off the specter of a motionless second term, the cause is heard, but why choose this subject, both explosive and divisive, including in its majority, rather than seeking to leave a mark on an ecology where everything is at stake? invent ? Marrying ecology and growth, succeeding where no one has ever succeeded, is there a more macronist challenge?