The Realme C33 India launch date has been set for September 6, the company announced today. The upcoming smartphone from Realme is confirmed to get a 50-megapixel primary rear camera and a 5,000mAh battery. Other details of the handset are currently unknown. However, a microsite for the phone has gone live on the official website of Realme India. It will have dual rear camera setup and slim design. Last month, the Realme C33 was tipped to come in three colors and storage options.
The Chinese smartphone maker on Saturday announced that the Realme C33 will be launched in India on September 6 at 12 noon (noon). a dedicated landing Page The smartphone is also live on the website of Realme India. The landing page reveals some specifications and details about the phone, and shows the phone in three color options.
The Realme C33 will come with a dual rear camera setup that will include a 50-megapixel primary sensor. According to Realme, the smartphone offers the highest-pixel-performance in the segment, comes with CHDR algorithm for clear backlit photos, and offers multiple photography modes. The handset is confirmed to pack a 5,000mAh battery, which is claimed to offer up to 37 days of standby. The phone will also get Ultra Saving Mode for extended battery life.
Apart from these specifications, Realme has also confirmed that the phone will be 8.3mm thin and weigh 187g. The Realme C33 will launch in at least three color options, as seen on the microsite. More details about the smartphone should be revealed before the launch.
Recently a tipster leaked the storage, color options and price of Realme C33. As per the leak, the smartphone is said to come in Sandy Gold, Aqua Blue and Night Sea color options. It is being said that it will be offered in 3GB RAM + 32GB storage, 4GB RAM + 64GB storage and 4GB RAM + 128GB storage variants. The handset is also being priced between Rs. 9,500 and Rs. 10,500.