Prophesee, the Frenchman who wants to integrate his vision sensors into our phones

Prophesee sous-traite la fabrication de ses capteurs à des fonderies spécialisées.

Posted Sep 23, 2022, 7:29 AMUpdated on Sep 23, 2022 at 7:34 am

In the list of darlings of French investors, there are not many deeptechs, these start-ups which develop breakthrough technologies. It is also for this reason that Bpifrance has launched a plan endowed with 3 billion euros to make France “a deeptech nation” by 2025. A few young French shoots are still doing well like Prophesee, and its dynamic image sensors, which has just completed a fundraising of 50 million euros.

Prosperity7 Ventures, the fund of the oil giant Saudi Aramco, enters the capital of the young shoot and joins a pool of investors including Sinovation Venture, Xiaomi, Intel Capital and the European Investment Bank (EIB). In-Q-Tel, the fund of the American central intelligence agency, the CIA, is also one of its (discreet) investors. This new funding, which follows a seed round of 25 million euros in 2019 will enable it to accelerate the commercialization of these semiconductors.