PM Modi stops his convoy for ambulance Prime Minister Narendra Modi is on a tour of Gujarat these days. On Friday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi flagged off the Vande Bharat Express running between Gandhinagar and Mumbai. During this program it has come to the fore that Prime Minister Narendra Modi stopped his convoy to clear the way for the ambulance. This video is currently going viral on social media. This video is being discussed on social media.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday stopped his fleet for ambulances. The video of this incident has gone viral on social media. An ambulance is seen going in it. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s convoy was going from Ahmedabad to Gandhinagar when the ambulance was given way.
Watch the viral video-
#watch , Gujarat: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on his way from Ahmedabad to Gandhinagar stops his convoy to give way to an ambulance.
— ANI (@ANI) September 30, 2022
Prime Minister Modi flagged off Vande Bharat Express from Gandhinagar Railway Station at 10.30 am on Friday. After this PM Modi traveled from Gandhinagar to Kalupur railway station. During this, he was also seen talking to people. The first Vande Bharat Express for Mumbaikars will start regularly from Saturday. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has also tweeted about this.
My Vande Bharat journey ended at Kalupur station and my journey started in Ahmedabad Metro. In no time, I headed to Thaltej, where an extraordinary event was organized. Ahmedabad will love their Metro, which will boost connectivity and comfort.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) September 30, 2022
time @Narendra Modi From Gandhinagar to Ahmedabad board the Vande Bharat Express. People from different walks of life, including people from railway families, women entrepreneurs and youth, are his co-travellers in this journey.
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) September 30, 2022
Read more:
Vande Bharat Express: PM Modi flags off Gandhinagar-Mumbai ‘Vande Bharat Express’ train for Mumbaikars from Saturday