October planetary transit 2022 October solar eclipse 5 planets will change zodiac

October Grah Gochar 2022: ऑक्टोबरमध्ये होणार मोठी उलथापालथ, 5 ग्रह बदलणार राशी!

Mumbai : From the point of view of astrology, the month of October can be very turbulent. This month will be the last solar eclipse of the year, which will take place a day after Diwali. After this the eclipse of Lord Deepawali will also take place. Also, in the month of October, there will be a big change in the position of Sun, Mars, Mercury, Venus and Saturn. In October there will be transit of Sun, transit of Venus, transit of Mercury and transit of Mars.

There will be a change in the movement of Saturn and Mercury. He will be transferred from October. Let us know when the position of which planet will change in October.

These changes will happen in October

Mercury in Virgo – October 2, 2022
Mars transit in Gemini – 16 October 2022
Sun transit in Libra – October 17, 2022
Venus transit in Libra – 18 October 2022
Saturn transit in Capricorn – 23 October 2022
Solar Eclipse – 25 October 2022
Mercury transit in Libra – 26 October 2022
Mars retrograde in Gemini – 30 October 2022

The speed of Saturn and Mercury will change

The retrograde motion of any planet is generally not considered auspicious in astrology, but sometimes retrograde motion also benefits people due to the position of the planets in their horoscope. The month of October is special because in this month 2 important planets like Mercury and Venus will be moving in motion. Mercury will transit in its own sign Virgo and Saturn in its own sign Capricorn, which will benefit many zodiac signs.

Transit of Mars in Gemini in October

Mars will enter Gemini on October 16 at 6.35 am. Change in the sign of Mars, which gives energy, courage and might, will affect all the zodiac signs. Gemini in particular will give a lot of energy and confidence.

Sun transit in Libra in October

On October 17, at 7.22 pm, the Sun will change its zodiac and enter Libra. In astrology, Sun is considered to be the king of planets and Sun is debilitated in Libra, so it will boost the confidence of many zodiac signs.

Transit of Venus in Libra in October

After the Sun, Venus will also enter Libra on October 18 at around 9.25 pm. Sun and Venus in the same zodiac will give benefits in terms of love, material happiness and convenience.

Saturn will be in Capricorn in October

Saturn’s curved vision or retrograde motion has a bad effect. On October 23, Saturn will transit in its own zodiac, Capricorn, which will give great relief to many zodiac signs.

(Disclaimer: The above information is based on general assumptions. Zee 24 Hours does not guarantee it.)


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