According to the latest monthly report released by the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), Jio showed a growth of 4.2 million net wireless subscribers in June 2022. Airtel came second with a net addition of 7,93,132 users, while MTNL, BSNL and Vodafone Idea lost users. The TRAI report noted that the total number of wireless subscribers increased from 1,145.5 million at the end of May to 1,147.39 million at the end of June. It also revealed that almost 90 percent of the market share in India is owned by private companies.
According to the latest Report of the TRAI, Jio reported a net growth of 4.2 million wireless users at the end of June. It is said to have experienced a monthly growth of 1.03 percent. Jio has a total subscriber base of 413.01 million users, which gives it a 36 percent market share.
According to the TRAI report, Airtel is significantly behind with a net growth of 793,132 wireless users during the same period. India still has 362.97 million wireless users. Despite registering a month-on-month growth of just 0.22 percent, the telecom provider has captured a market share of 31.63 percent.
Notably, Jio and Airtel were the only two telecom providers that reported growth in their subscriber base. Vodafone Idea lost a total of 1.8 million wireless users in June 2022. It has the third largest wireless userbase with a total of 256.65 million users, which is said to account for 22.37 percent of the total market share.
BSNL and MTNL, the two state-owned telecom providers, have a market share of only 10 percent. BSNL has a total of 111.52 million wireless users after losing 1.3 million users in June, the report said.
The report also mentioned that Haryana added the highest number of wireless subscribers with a growth of 1.77 percent. Meanwhile, Jammu and Kashmir lost 4.18 percent wireless subscribers in June.