Impact of Covid-19 on mental health in the emergency room and at SOS doctors, France, 2020-21

Impact of Covid-19 on mental health in the emergency room and at SOS doctors, France, 2020-21

The health, societal and economic effects of the COVID-19 epidemic have an impact on the mental health of the population (COVIPREV survey results). Use of emergency services by the OSCOUR network (93% of national visits) and SOS Médecins acts (95% of national acts), available daily for several years, have been monitored for various mental health diagnoses since the start of the pandemic. The evolution of visits to the emergency room, hospitalizations after passage for suicidal gestures (GS), anxiety disorders, mood disorders (TH) and SOS Médecins acts for anxiety, depressive states in 2020 was compared to those of the two years previous ones, at national and regional level, for four age groups (<15 years, 15-44 years, 45-64 years and 65 years and over).

2021 Congress of the French Society of Public Health: “Acting in a situation of uncertainty and controversy: what lessons for public health?”, Poitiers, 13-15 Oct. 2021

Author : Forgeot Cécile, Pontais Isabelle, Khireddine-Medouni Imane, du Roscoat Enguerrand, Fouillet Anne, Regnault Nolwenn, Caserio-Schönemann Céline
Year of publication: 2021
Pages: 13p.