Mumbai: After the split in Shiv Sena, several MLAs and MPs joined the Shinde faction. But despite this, the squabbles continue within the party. Ramdas Kadam and his long-time MLA Yogesh Kadam have also moved to the Shinde faction. But the second son of Ramdas Kadam, Thackeray is working in the core committee of Yuva Sena of the group. So how does he still have a place in the executive? Question arises.
Shiv Sena Thackeray faction held an important meeting at Shiv Sena Bhavan yesterday regarding the preparation of Dussehra Mela. The meeting was attended by Shiv Sena leaders Vinayak Raut, Anil Desai and heads of all departments in Mumbai as well as Yuva Sena secretary Varun Sardesai and Shiv Sena secretary Suraj Chavan. How is Siddhesh Ramdas Kadam still in the core committee of Yuva Sena? Such questions were raised by department heads Sudhakar Surve and Vilas Potnis.
Shiv Sena leaders Anil Desai and Vinayak Raut also expressed surprise and sought answers from Yuva Sena secretaries Varun Sardesai and Suraj Chavan? Varun Sardesai and Sooraj Chavan replied that they would ask Shiv Sena chief Uddhav Thackeray to take a decision soon. Due to this answer, there is a lot of resentment among the heads of the departments present.
Presently Ramdas Kadam and his life MLA Yogesh Kadam are in Shiv Sena Shinde faction and they are criticizing Shiv Sena Thackeray faction daily. In such a situation, how is Ramdas Kadam’s second life partner Siddesh Kadam still working in the Yuva Sena of Shiv Sena Thackeray group? Why hasn’t he been expelled yet..? Sources have informed that by asking such questions, the head of the department has expressed his anger over the functioning of the Yuva Sena.