EXCLUSIVE – The non-use of unemployment insurance finally measured

Entre 390.000 et 690.000 personnes n'ont pas fait valoir leurs droits à l'assurance-chômage entre le 1er novembre 2018 et le 31 octobre 2019.

Posted Oct 3, 2022 12:30 PM

Expected within two years of the promulgation in 2018 of the law “For the freedom to choose one’s professional future”, the report on the non-use of unemployment insurance has finally come out of the shadows. As the Minister of Labour, Olivier Dussopt, announced last week during the examination by the social affairs committees of the Assembly and the Senate of the Labor bill, it has just been transmitted to Parliament at the time when the debates will resume in public session on Monday. Main conclusion: between 25% and 42% of eligible employees do not go through the Pôle emploi box when they could receive an allowance, a rate comparable to that observed on other social benefits.

This rate of non-use is defined as the proportion of eligible persons who do not exercise their rights among all eligible persons. Its measurement, unprecedented in France, was entrusted to the Statistics Department of the Ministry with the assistance of researchers from the Paris School of Economics. The study focused on the period from November 1, 2018 to October 31, 2019, excluding the effects of Covid and the reform of compensation rules that came into force two years later.

Between 390,000 and 690,000 non-users

It was thus based on the eligibility criteria of the 2017 Unédic agreement: having worked at least four months out of the 28 preceding the end of the contract (36 beyond the age of 53); be registered with Pôle Emploi and looking for a job; not having reached retirement; having had to leave his post involuntarily.

The authors of the study emphasize the difficulties they encountered, the impossibility for example of observing from administrative data the condition of effective job search. What is more, many employees find themselves in a situation of temporary unemployment, or were already covered because of their previous contracts. All this has led them to exclude certain cases from the scope, under 25 or even less than seven days without a contract.

“Depending on the scope and assumptions used, the estimate of the rate of non-use of people not registered with Pôle Emploi in the year following the end of their contract varies between 25% and 42%, which represents over a year between 390,000 and 690,000 non-users. In addition, taking into account the end of the contract of people already registered automatically lowers the rate by around 11 points without impacting the number of non-recipients,” says the study.

More information to follow…

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