Energy sobriety: the “diabolical” issue of collective heating

Individualiser les frais de chauffage vise à mieux responsabiliser chacun sur sa consommation.

Posted Oct 3, 2022 3:55 PMUpdated Oct 3, 2022, 4:38 PM

Should we generalize the individualisation of heating costs in order to help the French to better control their energy consumption? The idea, in any case, caught the attention of the government – ​​which is due to present its energy sobriety plan on Thursday.

For the time being, in a certain number of buildings, heating is collective and the overall bill is divided in proportion to the surface area of ​​each apartment or according to a system of percentages calculated by an expert surveyor. If a household heats their home to 19 degrees when their neighbor heats to 26, they will not reap the benefits of their efforts. This sometimes stirs up tensions between the inhabitants, who are more or less sensitive to the cold.