Dream Scripture Dreaming related to marriage at night means in dream scripture

Swapna Shastra: स्वतःचच लग्न झाल्याचं स्वप्न पाहणं शुभ की अशुभ?

Mumbai : It is normal to have dreams while sleeping at night. We often see strange things happening in these dreams. Some of these dreams make us happy while some of these dreams scare us. After waking up from sleep, we keep looking for the meaning of those dreams but do not know their reality. If you are also scared of such strange dreams then do not panic.

In dream science, the meaning of the dreams we get in the night has been explained in detail. Today we are going to tell you what is the meaning of dreams related to marriage in dream science.

seeing the groom in a dream

If you have a dream related to marriage in your dream, then it is a sign of some inauspicious event. According to the dream science, it means that you or any member of your family is likely to suffer some serious illness in the near future. In such a situation, you should be alert and get yourself checked in time.

watch your wedding

According to dream science, if you see a couple getting married in your dream, it means that soon some trouble may come in your life. Many of your works may fail and you may face problems in life.

dream of own wedding

If you dream of your own wedding (marriage related dreams), it is considered very auspicious. This means that your married life will be happy and you will have good relations with your partner.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on general assumptions and information. ZEE 24 TAAS does not endorse it.)