coronavirus cases in india today 3230 new cases of covid deaths recorded in last 24 hours

coronavirus cases in india today 3230 new cases of covid deaths recorded in last 24 hours

Coronavirus cases in India today: Corona infection for the first time in the country in the last four months big drop For the first time after the month of June, the number of corona patients has been more than three thousand In the last 24 hours, 3 thousand 230 new corona patients have appeared in the country. 32 people died on Monday. The recovery rate in the country is higher than the rate of active patients. At present, the positivity rate in the country is 1.18 percent. The patient’s recovery rate is 98.72 percent.

The Union Health Ministry has released new figures of Corona. There is a comforting aspect to it. The number of corona patients in the country has decreased. The number of corona patients has decreased for the fourth consecutive day in the country. In the last 24 hours i.e. on Monday, 3 thousand 230 new corona patients have been found in the country. Earlier on June 1, this figure was more than three thousand. After that, it was observed that this number kept increasing. On June 1, 2022, 3712 new corona patients appeared in the country.

Corona’s graph is decreasing in the country

The graph of corona in the country is decreasing day by day. The number of active corona patients has also decreased. At present, there are more than 42 thousand active patients in the country. Last day on Monday, this number was 43 thousand. Earlier on Sunday, the number of patients treated was 44 thousand. At present there are 42 thousand 358 active patients in the country. In India, 32 patients have died due to corona in the last 24 hours. A total of 5 lakh 28 thousand 562 patients have died due to corona infection in the country so far.

Patients recovering more than new patients in Maharashtra

More corona patients have been cured in Maharashtra in the last 24 hours. At present, this rate has gone up to 98.13 percent. Even today, the number of patients recovering in the state is more than the new corona patients. On Monday, 256 new corona patients were added, while 315 patients have become corona free. Apart from this, the death of two corona infected patients has been registered.