benefits of camphor for skin benefits of camphor gives good luck sz

Camphor Benefits: 2 रुपयांचा कापूर बदलू शकतो तुमचं आयुष्य, याचे चमत्कारी गुण फारच कमी लोकांना ठाऊक आहेत

How to use Camphor: Camphor is considered very auspicious in Hinduism and cures many diseases. Kapoor brings happiness and prosperity in your home. Not only that, it is a useful tool that can be used in your daily life. With the help of which you can change your life. With its help, all the problems related to your lifestyle can be solved. This camphor, which is available in the market for two rupees, has so many benefits, about which very few people know. (Benefits of camphor for skin The benefits of camphor give good luck)

Camphor is beneficial for many

Camphor is a special type of chemical, which is obtained from a specific plant. Camphor (benefits of camphor) are generally of 3 types. The first is Japanese, the second is Bhimseni and the third is Patri Kapoor. Camphor is used for worship, medicine and fragrance. It is considered a very good thing to remove negative energy. The aroma of this camphor concentrates the mind. At the same time, its fire destroys Kapha and Vata.

How to use camphor as medicine?

Camphor oil facilitates blood circulation in the skin. It is used in the treatment of inflammation, acne and oily skin. Camphor mixed ointment is used to relieve joint pain. Neck pain is relieved by applying balm containing camphor. Camphor oil is also beneficial for chest heaviness due to phlegm. Make a paste by grinding shunthi, arjuna bark and white sandalwood with camphor in case of headache.

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Remember that all these things should be in equal proportion. Applying this paste on the forehead provides great relief in headache. In case of cold and cough, taking steam with camphor in hot water provides great relief. In case of cough, mixing camphor in mustard or sesame oil and massaging it with light hands on the back and chest provides great relief.

Camphor is also beneficial for hair. The problem of hair fall is more due to increasing pollution and bad water consumption. Apart from this, people who are struggling with the problem of dandruff, mixing camphor in coconut oil and applying it on the hair, get a lot of benefit.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. This is not an expert opinion. Please consult an expert before adopting it. ZEE NEWS does not endorse it.)

benefits of camphor for skin benefits of camphor gives good luck


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