Public Health France has been committed since its creation to the promotion of health and prevention in the field of perinatality and early childhood, through an integrated program of monitoring, prevention and promotion of the health of pregnant women. and children.
In 2019, the project “the first 1000 days, where it all begins”, initiated by the government, made this subject a priority for public action. Indeed, it is now well established scientifically that the actions that are carried out at the earliest in life, from pregnancy until the child is two years old, in the sensitive period known as “the first thousand days”, are among the most efficient in public health. They are what will allow children to reach their full development potential until adulthood.
Public Health France and the Ministry of Solidarity and Health are today launching an information campaign aimed at the general public and in particular future and young parents. This campaign aims to raise awareness about this pivotal period and promote the tools available, including 1000-first-days.frthe first health promotion site and application concerning this period of life. : the reference website and application on the first 1000 days for parents
Put online on September 15, 2021, the site provides scientifically based information, in connection with the fundamental needs of the child: a healthy and safe environment, an appropriate diet, stable and reassuring emotional relationships. Reference site, it provides reliable information from the multiplicity of sometimes contradictory sources of information.
As part of a benevolent and non-guilt-inducing editorial line, this site allows future parents and parents of children under two years of age to obtain advice that is easy to understand and put in place.
We must collectively do better, for our children, for our families, for our society. Science invites us to do so, indicating to us the fundamental character of the first 1000 days. Our responsibility today is to draw lessons from this fundamental contribution.
In addition, a mobile application, downloadable from the site, has been specially designed to support parents at their own pace during this period. In particular, they will be able to find a personalized calendar so as not to miss any important appointments, a map to locate health professionals around their home or even a questionnaire to take stock of the risk of postpartum depression.
“Pregnancy and the beginnings of parenthood are a period of transition, which can be marked by increased vulnerability, both physically, psychologically and socially. But it is above all a chance to develop the skills that will accompany overall health. lifelong, and reduce the health disparities linked to each person’s social position from childhood This is why it is crucial to support the exercise of parenthood, particularly through early multidisciplinary interventions to support children. families but also by providing reference information for parents, future parents and the close entourage of the child in order to enable them to build in their daily lives environments favorable to the good development of their child. Prof. Geneviève Chêne, Director General of Public Health France
An awareness campaign to support future and young parents in their new role
Public Health France and the Ministry of Solidarity and Health are launching today the campaign: “1000 first days”. First campaign on the period of 1000 days, it wishes to standardize the questions of parents and future parents and raise their awareness of this specific period. By directing them to the website and the application, the objective is to provide them with tools and advice that will support them and reassure them in the exercise of their parenthood in order to help them act for the benefit of their health and that of their child.

Broadcast on television and on social networks from November 3 to December 7, 2021, the two campaign spots share with us the intimacy of two couples wondering about their child.
The spots highlight the multitudes of questions they ask themselves, gently and with a touch of humor, on the title ” You Don’t Know How Glad I Am by Nancy Wilson.
Radio spots, which use the film scripts, will also complete this system and will be broadcast at the same time.
The information device is available in the form of press announcements: 9 visuals present the various questions of parents on the themes addressed by the campaign with a light tone. They invite you to find the answers to these questions on They will be visible in the magazine press and the national and regional daily press during the months of November and December 2021. The visuals have been designed with the aim of getting as close as possible to real situations experienced by parents.

In addition to this system, partnerships have also been forged: the M6 group and the news site will broadcast content during the month of December 2021. Then with the WeMoms community, the first social network 100% dedicated to mothers, will also be present alongside Public Health France throughout the month of December. Advice, quizzes or informative carousels will be made available to mothers.
Finally, site promotion tools have been specially designed for healthcare professionals:
- a poster encouraging parents to visit is intended to be affixed in waiting rooms, pharmacies or public reception areas;
- a bookmark promoting the site was also sent to professionals so that they could give it to parents and future parents.
These tools, sent to 180,000 professionals via a distribution plan, can also be downloaded or ordered free of charge on the Public Health France website.