Live my life as a crisis minister

« Par-delà les vagues », d'Olivier Véran. Editions Robert Laffont.

Posted Sep 29, 2022, 12:23 PM

About the. First, we fear the worst. A minister’s book rewriting his war, arranging it of course, clearing customs necessarily, we know the song. Well no, for those who are not reluctant to return to the Covid era, this plunge into the head of the minister in charge has something gratifying. We are there, in his skin. His fatigue, his annoyances (against antivax, Didier Raoult, Matignon’s excesses of caution, internal slowness…), his anger, his doubts, pressure from Emmanuel Macron, errors of assessment (the French will be too afraid of the vaccine, you have to go there carefully), his mea culpa on the masks, the errors and the false leads (nicotine protects), the media whirlwind, everything is there. All truths, probably not, but all emotions yes. With his outspokenness and his machine-gun literary delivery, Olivier Véran has no equal in making us experience what he experienced. We come out almost as wrung out as him!

An extract. “Sunday August 16, I received a call from the prefect of Hérault, who informed me of the discovery of a rather atypical cluster in Cap d’Agde, within the area frequented by naturism enthusiasts and, for some , swinging… There follows an exchange worthy of the ‘Gendarmes of Saint-Tropez’, during which I ask the prefect to go to the site, flanked by gendarmerie units, in order to restore the obligation to wear a mask . ‘Including on naturist beaches, Minister? – Yes, Mr. Prefect. – I see…’ “

Beyond the waves

by Olivier Veran. Editions Robert Laffont, 360 pages, 20.90 euros.

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