Posted Sep 28, 2022, 5:00 PM
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He is nicknamed the “Trump of the tropics”. At 67, Jair Bolsonaro could experience the same outcome as this model in the Brazilian presidential election, the first round of which is played on Sunday, October 2. Facing him, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, the former president and historic figure of the left is back as an ultra-favorite and could win in the first round. But the Bolsonaro clan, which brings together its three eldest sons, is not ready to surrender. Still, the record of the conservative, populist, pro-gun, backed by agribusiness evangelists, is calamitous.
His presidential system has consisted of privileging his supporters, right down to the justification of child labor, to name a few, and his three sons are all being prosecuted in legal cases. Even if, unsurprisingly, the procedures are slowed down. One of them, Eduardo, close to Steve Bannon, was also, and disturbingly, in Washington in the midst of a Capitol insurrection against the result of the American presidential election which saw the defeat of Donald Trump.
Covid deaths
Brazil had a sad record of deaths during the Covid with 700,000 dead and a major humanitarian crisis in Manaus, in particular, which Jair Bolsonaro treated with disdain. An investigation is underway pointing to his direct responsibility. Growth is doing rather better in Brazil, but poverty is on the rise and 30 million Brazilians suffer from food insecurity. Hunger eradicated under the second term of Lula, re-elected in 2006, has made a comeback. A reality that is obvious in the country but that Bolsonaro and his Minister of the Economy accuse of lies. The country’s international image has also been damaged as the floodgates of deforestation have been opened wide in the Amazon.
La Story is a podcast from Les Echos presented by Pierrick Fay. This episode was recorded in September 2022. Editor-in-chief: Clémence Lemaistre. Guests: Virginie Jacoberger-Lavoué (journalist at “Echos” and author of “Brazil, trip to the country of Bolsonaro” at Editions du Rocher) and Thierry Ogier (correspondent of “Echos” in Brazil). Directed by: Willy Ganne. Production and publishing manager: Michèle Warnet. Music: Théo Boulenger. Graphic identity: Upian. Photo: REUTERS/Cristiane Mattos. Sounds: Geopolitis, Carlos Lima “Bolsonaro é um somente” (2022), France 24, Poder360, AFP, TV 247, TV5 Monde, SFR, Extra 3.
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