10th Result will be declared in July 2021 and FYJC Admission 2021 on time

SSC Result 2021 : दहावीचा निकाल या महिन्यात लागणार, वेळेत होणार अकरावीचे प्रवेश

Deepak Bhatos, Mumbai : After the cancellation of the 10th examination, now the education department is facing the challenge of 10th result and 11th admission. The Education Department has decided to declare the 10th result in the first week of July and make timely admission in class 11th. The Education Department has started work in this direction. (10th result declared in July 2021)

In view of Corona, the state government has decided to cancel the 10th and 12th examinations. After the cancellation of these examinations, now there is a challenge in front of the Education Department to declare the 10th result. This year 1.6 lakh students appeared in class 10th. These students will go to the next class without taking the exam. But the students may not have given the 10th final exam, but for further studies, the students will have to give the 10th result.

Each student will be assessed on the basis of the internal marks of class 9th and 10th and on the basis of that the result of class 10th will be prepared. (SSC Result 2021)

– The final result of 10th will be calculated using 50% of IX marks and 50% of internal assessment marks of 10th.
– 30 marks for internal written assessment of students during the year during internal assessment of class 10
– 20 marks will be awarded on the basis of homework, oral test and practical test

In such a situation, the Education Department is going to declare the 10th result in the first week of July and make efforts to get the admission in 11th on time.

On the basis of 10th result, students can further take admission in 11th (FYJC Maharashtra Online Admission 2021). But for those students who feel that they can get admission in a good college by taking better marks, the education department has kept the option of CET. For the admission of such students in class 11, a single CET will be conducted across the state. But this CET is not compulsory but optional.

This CET is going to be based on the 10th syllabus. The format of CET will be multiple choice. This CET of 100 marks will be of two hours duration. This CET will be conducted to ensure uniformity in admission in class 11th and to give equal opportunities to all. Although there will not be an overall examination of 10th, but the next challenge of the result and the smooth conduct of the 11th admission process will be in front of the education department.