OnePlus Nord Watch has been confirmed to launch in India soon. Ahead of the official announcement, renders of the upcoming wearable have surfaced online along with its specifications. The renders suggest the design and suggest blue and black color options for the OnePlus Nord Watch. The renders also show a rectangular dial with side-mounted buttons for navigation. The OnePlus Nord Watch features a 1.78-inch AMOLED display with 500 nits peak brightness and 368×448 pixel resolution.
Renowned tipster Ishaan Agarwal (@ishanagarwal24), in association with 91Mobiles, Leek Alleged renders and specifications of the OnePlus Nord Watch. As mentioned, the renders show the smartwatch in black and blue shades. The renders suggest a rectangular display with black shades for the wearable. It is characterized by side-mounted buttons for navigation through the UI. The renders also suggest some features, including heart rate tracking and support for multiple fitness modes.
According to the leak, the OnePlus Nord Watch will have an IP68 build and may be compatible with both Android and iOS devices. It is said to come with Blood Oxygen Saturation (SpO2) monitor, 24-hour heart rate tracking, stress monitor and women’s health tracking features. The wearable’s display can offer a 60Hz refresh rate. The OnePlus Nord Watch battery offers up to 10 days of battery life and up to 30 days of standby time on a single charge. Further, the wearable is expected to offer up to 105 fitness modes. It is said to feature Bluetooth v5.2 connectivity and may be compatible with the N Health app.
OnePlus recently confirmed the display specifications of the upcoming OnePlus Nord Watch. It is teased to come with a 1.78-inch AMOLED display with 368×448 pixels resolution and 500 nits peak brightness.
According to previous leaks, the OnePlus Nord Watch will be priced in India at around Rs. 5,000. It is expected to be available in multiple models and variants with circular and rectangular dials.
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