Tecno Pop 6 Pro will soon launch in India, the company announced today. Additionally, a dedicated landing page for the phone has gone live on Amazon in India. The landing page reveals some of the features of the upcoming handset. Tecno Pop 6 Pro will feature a 6.56-inch dot notch display with HD+ resolution and 120Hz touch sampling rate. It will also have an 8-megapixel dual rear camera setup with dual LED flash lights. According to the landing page it will pack a 5,000mAh battery.
Today, the smartphone brand announced via Twitter that the Tecno Pop 6 Pro will be making its debut in India soon. The company has also said that the upcoming smartphone will be available in the country through Amazon. Tecno claims the new phone will be “light in your pocket”, suggesting it could be a budget handset.
In addition, a dedicated Landing page Tecno has taken to Amazon for the Pop 6 Pro, revealing some key features of the upcoming smartphone. Tecno Pop 6 Pro will feature a 6.56-inch dot notch display with HD+ resolution and 120Hz touch sampling rate. The handset will sport an 8-megapixel dual rear camera setup with dual LED flash lights.
On the front, it will have a 5-megapixel selfie camera with LED flash. The upcoming smartphone will also feature portrait mode photography. According to the landing page, the Tecno Pop 6 Pro will pack a 5,000mAh battery. The company claims that the battery will give users a standby time of 42 days. The handset will be available in at least Peaceful Blue and Polar Black color options. The company is yet to reveal the price and launch date of the new handset in India.
To recall, the Tecno 5 Pro was launched in India in January this year at Rs. It was unveiled with a price tag. 8,499. The handset features a 6.52-inch LCD display with HD+ resolution and 120Hz touch sampling rate. The company claims that the display can produce 480 nits of peak brightness. It also has an 8-megapixel dual rear camera setup. According to the company, the phone has a 6,000mAh battery.